Keenan awards his first Legion AJJ black belt to Miha Perhavec

Emotions run high as Legion HQ as Keenan promotes Legion co-founder Miha Perhavec to black belt after 10+ years of training jiu jitsu.

Here is what Miha had to say about the promotion:

“Today is a special day for me, because of just how important of a role jiu jitsu plays in my life. It’s not possible for me to be unemotional about the symbolism of this moment.

In the last 10+ years jiu jitsu has become a huge part of my identity and the mats have taught me far more about life than 18 years of formal education. I am the person I am today because of jiu jitsu and I could have never predicted the journey it will take me on.

It started training in a small town in Slovenia, where my MMA school of choice happened to be led by a jiu jitsu blue belt. It was there that I got over my desire to scrap in the cage and where I learned that jiu jitsu is all I wish judo would be.

After my competition ambition and results overgrew Slovenia I ventured out into Europe, training in Poland, Norway and for the longest time in Dublin Ireland.

Then Emma and I literally traveled around the world for 2,5 years training in some of the best academies in the World and some of the most exotic ones as well. The instant connection you have with people just because they also like to hug violently on the ground in pajamas (or without) is one of my favorite things about this sport. The friendships and memories forged because of it are something I cherish. There are too many people to mention 1-by-1, but I want to express my gratitude to everyone that’s helped me get here.

The 18 year-old kid that walked onto the puzzle mats in that fitness center in Slovenia could have never imagined, that he’d get his black belt standing in one of the biggest and best academies in the world. Especially not in the one that he helped build and get off the ground. I would also not have imagined that I’ll get it from one of my closest friends and my parter-not-in-crime. I haven’t seen Keenan hand out one of these before and I’ll make sure I’m setting a good precedent.

Next on the agenda: Fully recover from my injury and start competing with the big boys. The smoke was always what I wanted.”

Find out more about Miha:


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