Remember Your Jiu-Jitsu Moves: 5 Proven Tips to Lock In What You Learn 

Remember your Jiu-Jitsu moves with these 5 proven tips. Lock in techniques, improve your skills, and make your training more effective.

I vividly recall the first technique I ever learned back in 2012—a double leg takedown. I tried it on my friend during sparring that day, and he easily shut it down. I thought Jiu-Jitsu didn’t work. Man, was I wrong. Here I am, well over a decade later, still being told by my coaches that the form on my double leg can use some work.

Jiu-Jitsu can mess with your head sometimes. There are so many techniques to learn, and you might feel like your brain just dumped everything out. But I’m here to tell you:

It’s totally normal if you don’t remember Jiu-Jitsu moves the first time.

It might take multiple attempts to finally grasp how the moves work. Every time you learn a technique again, it builds on what you already know. Here are 5 ways to help you remember your Jiu-Jitsu moves better.


1. Ask Your Coaches and Upper Belts for Help

The second you hit a wall with a move, just ask for help. It’ll clear up exactly what’s tripping you up. Trust me, if you’re having trouble with something, your coach has probably dealt with it a thousand times before. Always ask questions! This will not only improve your technique but also help you remember Jiu-Jitsu moves more effectively.

2. Drill the Technique for an Extra 10-15 Minutes After Class

Even if it’s just a handful more reps, it could be the difference between the technique sticking or not. This is prime time to get feedback on what’s not clicking in the position. Drilling reinforces muscle memory, making it easier to remember your Jiu-Jitsu moves when it counts. Think of these extra minutes as an investment in your progress; they compound over time.

3. Try the Technique Religiously in Live Training

Sure, drilling with a partner who’s not resisting helps. But nothing beats trying it when someone’s actually fighting back. You’ll remember the problems you run into during sparring way better, and it’s easier to bring those issues back to get help fixing them. Plus, it breaks you out of just doing the same old moves on autopilot because you’re throwing something new in there. Don’t be discouraged if the move doesn’t work right away, persistence is the key.

4. Be Present on the Mats

Listen, we all have crazy days—work stress, family stuff, you name it. But the moment you step on those mats, try to leave that at the door. The more you can tune into what’s happening in class, the more you’ll pick up. Think of it as your time to forget about the outside world and just focus on getting better. Your Jiu-Jitsu will thank you for it, and you’ll find it easier to remember the moves you learn.

5. Make the Moves Your Own

After class, take a few minutes to think about what clicked and what didn’t. Maybe visualize hitting the technique, or jot down some quick notes in your phone. Whatever works for you. You can even pull up Legion AJJ later to review what we covered and connect the dots. The point is, find your way to make the technique stick in your head.

Try out these tricks next time you train. You’ll thank yourself later.

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