Legion AJJ Programs
One of the primary goals at Legion is to teach our students jiu jitsu, as fast and efficiently as possible.
We like to think that we achieve this by using Legion Programs. These programs are collections of curriculums. By having a path of learning planned and tested regularly, we can make sure that you’re not learning “whatever the coach feels like showing today”.
Learn more about Legion Programs below, starting with the Beginner ones.

Beginner Programs
A huge part of the American Jiu Jitsu mission is to make entry into our favorite combat sport/art a smooth experience.
These 2 programs are designed to get you proficient and in love with jiu jitsu as quickly as possible. In the process they will save you from getting a bad impression of jiu jitsu.
For members who have reached the rank of blue belt or got the green light from Beginner Program Coaches unlock several classes throughout the day. Great for people transitioning away from their old BJJ academy.
Classes included: 6am Rise & Sunshine, some 9am classes, 6pm class & competition class.