Listen to coach Miha on the Jocko Podcast
Miha Perhavec, our co-founder and coach appeared as a guest on episode #451 of the Jocko Podcast, hosted by a friend of Legion – Jocko Willink.
Video: Rare Justin Flores sparring footage versus 250lbs wrestler from Poway
Justin Flores is one of the most sought-after and respected coaches in the world of submission grappling. He excels at not one, but three disciplines. Judo, wrestling and MMA grappling with an emphasis on takedowns. People who have seen this video of him sparring say: “The most valuable live rolling I’ve seen to date. Thank […]
15 Unwritten Rules Every Jiu Jitsu Beginner Should Know
In this video (with well over 300.000 views), Legion founder Keenan and Beginner Program Director Andris will also explain the UNWRITTEN rules that will be handy to know at the start of your jiu jitsu journey.